simple teenager bringing you idiotic excellence. i make stuff on wattpad. (NOT FANFICTION, I SWEAR!)


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Just a quick disclaimer, don't take anything here seriously. All jokes fellas!


Hey there guys, thanks for taking a second to check out my post! On the internet, I go by Thatkid143 (shut up, i made it in 2021), and one thing about me is that I like video games (crazy, amirite??). Some of my favorite games are Pizza Tower, Hi-Fi Rush, Friday Night Funkin’, and Red Dead 2. That’s about it for my intro, so now on to…


I have a bit of a creative passion for writing a story called "Big Ol' Bunny." The story takes place in a wasteland where eight protagonists go against a hoard of memes, known as the "Outlaws,” to try and... well, you'll find out if you read it (once the first volume is done). I'm not gonna say too much, but I will say that Friday Night Funkin’ has a bit of a role in the story, featuring characters from Pico's School in the FNF timeline. Now, you're probably thinking to yourself, "Lemme guess, this is just another stupid fanfiction about memes and other shit that doesn't make any sense, written by a teenager who has nothing better to do with his spare time,” and if I was right, well, let me tell you that you’re absolutely correct. Sure, I might not prioritize this full-time, but I'm able to make it work with my schedule. However, this stuff won't be easy to write by myself (trust me—-I have plenty experience with these types of projects). I've had many scrapped stories that I didn't feel like caring about anymore, and I’ve just moved on with my life. However, this story in particular recently came back to bite me in the ass during the summer of 2023. I randomly had a burst of motivation to write chapter-after-chapter, until I reached my breaking point and just felt dissatisfied with what I had written. So, I took a break from the project and planned to can it entirely. But then, I had an epiphany: I had felt dissatisfied because I had some old jokes from 2021 that didn't age well and was NOT conscious at the time or something, because that shit was AWFUL. If I rewrote the whole story, then maybe I would actually feel proud of myself. So far, it's going well! Progress is being made on making the whole-ass plot, and vol. 1 progress is doin' alright! (im not even CLOSE to being done with some chapters, but the process will be worth it in my eyes.) Also, the story is meant for edgy 13-15 old kids on Newgrounds as if it was the 2000's all over again. (who knew the target demographic would be the writer themselves?) I've also got an artist who is also a writer, and an editor (there will be small little art pieces throughout the story, and obviously the covers) so it will be a bit easier to write! One thing I will say is that it gets a bit serious throughout the story, and if that isn't your cup of tea, then that is completely understandable. I hope you all enjoy it when it finally comes out!


After all of that, I think I'm confident to say that I love writing random shit, even if it costs me my grades, am I right? (laughing at my 1.3 gpa, satire!) But seriously, being able to do this during the summer makes me hopeful for what's to come in the future. I hope this story is able to inspire you to go wild with creativity. I would go crazy if somebody said that their biggest inspiration came from one of my works. With all that being said, stay epic and remember: You MATTER! >:D

[Written by Thatkid 143. Editing by Cloudless_Rains.]

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